lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

Christian Spirituality

1.1. ¿What is spirituality?
Etymologically, "spirituality" from the Latin "spirits" (spirit): Principle generator, intimate character, essence or substance of something [1]. And the Hebrew "Ruah" which, along with the Greek "pneuma" (spirit): wind, breath, air, breath, and since this is a sign of life, the two terms mean life, soul, spirit. Thus, Spirit is a dynamic, innovative, creative, is a symbol of youth, vitality, renewal [2].
Thus, spirituality is like the identity of each person (we all have our spirituality) which are distinguished from each other, is what shapes the life. This means that the more spiritual a person is, better quality of life and attitudes have.

From the Christian perspective, spirituality is a gift, God comes to man through his spirit.

... the spirit of a person is deep in his own being: their "motivations" last, his ideal, his utopia, his passion, his mystique by which to live and fight and which spread to other ... The spirit is the essential dimension of the human person in whom the spirit of God is a unique platform for action on the individual. The spirit of God acts in the spirit of humans. It gives them spirit, ie depth, power, freedom, life in abundance. It gives them himself. The experience of God that is lived through Jesus, gives a different color, a new light, a deeper dimension to our spirituality [3].
1.2. The spiritual man seeks transcendence
It is said that man is constantly looking to be happy, wants to find the meaning in life, feels dominant over the world, but still not satisfied. The same things that he produces, through technology, not satisfied. On the other hand, being a consumer, producer, at any time erodes the meaning of life.

So if the man is a seeker of happiness, we are saying, like it or not, that is a being open to transcendence. That is, out to enrich himself with the reality outside. In search of transcendence man meets God, which through an interpersonal experience (God-man), sparks a spirituality, that in the light of Christ becomes a Christian [4].

In this, Christian spirituality is not a static reality but rather a way of transcendence in which the traveler is the person (the Christian), and the way Christ.

The "Christian spirituality is a path that encourages" out of oneself "and to" serve ". It is rooted in Jesus Christ (divine and carnal), in which he announced values such as love, forgiveness, solidarity, justice, sharing, respect for the human person, and so on. Born from a personal experience of God that leads to compromise with reality [5].

In the statement, the Christian spirituality is a lifestyle that is modeled on Jesus Christ. Proposal is presented as a living, "free" compared to other styles that may exist.

And following the same logic, [affirm]: "Christian spirituality is first reference to Jesus Christ as a proposed project (...), life, in the travel history, was taken over by men and women opened and made his message of values, he said, and lived a model of being" [6].

[1] See: Diccionario de la Real Academia española. Consultation: June 08, 2009.
[3] MONROY CAMPERO, Juan Bosco. La espiritualidad de San Pablo. Sociedad Bíblica Católica Internacional (SOBICAIN), septiembre 2008, p.3.
[4] See: DE CASTRO, Valdir José. La espiritualidad un estilo de vida. Buenos Aires, San Pablo, 2009, p...
[5] Ibid., p. 3
[6] Ibíd., 4
NOTE: Everything here is written is a product of painstaking research. Any comments email it to:

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